We arrived in Santorini today & it was everything I’ve imagined through pictures I’ve seen. Our home for the next 3 days is all ours, our whole group took up the whole hotel/villa and it’s perfect. The rooms & amenities are awesome.
I will give names of places we stayed once we leave due to security & safety reasons. Crime is very low here, but as you know, we are from America and we are known to be very resourceful & have plenty.
We enjoyed pool, drinking, dancing.. I snuck off to bed early, thinking I would lay down for a couple of minutes and didn’t wake back up to this Morning.
Today, my hubby & I along with some of the other crew, rode ATV’s & visit Red Beach, & other cities in Greece & it was beautiful & astonishing. We also visited Black Beach/Jojo’s
We are day 2 in Santorini & so far so good..
I will keep you posted with more… later today 🌺